
时间:2023-11-18 留学 点击:



第1篇: 留学生信的


留学生出国推荐信是不可少的, 推荐信对于学生进入海外留学是非常重要的,那么留学生的中文推荐信应该怎么些呢,下来我们就给大家说说吧,



















第2篇: 留学生信的

to whom it may concern:

it is a great pleasure for me to recommend ***x, one of my favorite students, to your esteemed university. as ***x’s math and head teacher for two years from ****** to ******, i know him very well about him academically and personally. he is a creative, diligent, and warmhearted young man.

our school is the key high school of shijiazhuang city. all prospective students have to attend strict entrance tests because we just admit the top ones. among our excellent students, those who can be allowed to the science experimental class, the top class, are considered as “elites of the school”. ***x is one of them.

during the past two years when i have been teaching ***x math, he excelled among his classmates. i see from ***x what a math teacher can expect from his students: independent thinking, passion and accuracy. in the class, ***x could grasp the fundamentals of this subject, always tries to think independently and makes every effort to improve his mathematical abilities. he is a self-motivated student who aims high and sets a strict demand on himself and never is satisfied with the “standard answer” of mathematical problems. moreover, ***x is a student who loves challenging himself. once, when they were preparing for the math contest, there was a very difficult problem which all other students gave up except for ***x. he volunteered for this problem and tried very hard to figure it out. writing down all the possible solutions on the draft paper, he verified them one by one and finally found the right answer. for his outstanding academic record, ***x had been selected with other students to attend the regional and national math contest. remarkably, he won the second prize of math contest of hebei province and the third prize of national math contest of high school in ******.

additionally, ***x is a young man who is always willing to give and show his love to others. a couple of days ago, i saw him waiting outside the class with a present in his hand. i was very curious why he was there, because i knew that ***x didn’t attend the night class but prepared for the toefl and sat tests at home. he told me that it was his best friend’s birthday; he made a present for his friend and wanted to give it to him personally. as friendly boy as he is, ***x’s bright character can easily affect people around him with his love and earns him a lot of friends and supporters.

i feel fortunate and honored to have ***x as my student. i believe that his creative thinking, his high demand of himself and his accumulation of knowledge in high school will lead him to the greater success in his undergraduate study and his further studies in your university.

yours faithfully,


math & head teacher


第3篇: 留学生信的

Dear PeteDear Peter,

As is known,reading is the most effective way to broaden your sight and since you are longing to acquire a good knowledge of China, I eagerly recommend to you a campaign named “Reading About China”.

In Britain, with the arrival of Chairman Xi Jinping, 115 book stores exhibit 43000 books about China, involving a wide range of subjects. Not only can you read about Chinese traditional culture and historical civilization, but also some big modern cities and places of interest are introduced in these books. In addition, there are masses of biographies of famous people from different fields and maybe you will come across one about Chairman Xi.

The campaign is due to last three weeks from Oct. 20th, during which you are bound to enjoy amazing reading about China. I hope my recommendation will benefit you and help you learn more about China.

第4篇: 留学生信的

Dear sir:

It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. unjs for his application to work in your school. Mr. unjs has been an English teacher in my school (New Generation Foreign Language School) since September XXXX. His major responsibilities include information collecting, analyzing, teachingtranslating. He is an enthusiasticprogressive young man with extremely high potentiality. He often participated in extracurricular activities contributing a great deal to school. Mr. unjs is not only quick at learninggood at solving difficult teaching problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively analyze difficulties. All the work handed to him was completed satisfactorily. Actually, he is so reliable that I assign him with heavy responsibilities. With his help, I have been able to spend more time in making student’s excellent English speaking ability. I really consider myself very fortunate to have such a capable teacher.

I am certain his diligence, coupled with a good competencepleasant personality, will assure him of big achievements for your school. I strongly recommend this promising young man without any reservationyour favorable considerationassistance to him will be very much appreciated.

Sincerely yours

第5篇: 留学生信的

如何写成功的留学生推荐信当你请教授为你写推荐信的时候,不知老师会写些什么?请教授为你写推荐信,是不是会觉得有点紧张?无论你有多少想法,你要明白的是: 你可以让你的教授能写一封很棒的推荐信,你完全可以影响到这封信的内涵。

在你申请大学的时候,一封很棒的推荐信,绝对能给你带来绝处逢生的机会。但是很多教授说过一些学生在要求为他们写推荐信时,总是不能恰当的表达出自己的想法,有时甚至给他们留下不太好的印象。 那么,如何能给为你写推荐信的教授留下良好的学术印象呢? 其实很简单,下面六招,将为你解开迷团,让你的推荐信变得优秀,不管你的GPA的高低。

1. 详实的个人材料夹







2. 提前预约见面时间


同时,为你这次谈话作好充分准备。比方说怎样谈论你将来的计划;哪些是你学术上或者个人的擅长;哪些可以帮你实现你的目标;哪些又是有可能阻挡你实现目标的障碍;如果遇到障碍,你有哪些计划来克服困难; 等等。总之,要把这次会谈当作一次面试。让教授了解你为自己设置的目标,你的个人计划,当然不必谈你为达到目标已经取得了多大的成功。

最后,切记一定要避免在课上或者课后来讨论你的推荐信。无论如何,不能在信发出之前一天,把材料塞到教授手中。 要知道你很忙,你的教授更忙。急匆匆写出来的推荐信,效果一定不会太好。

3. 作好调研工作


4. 征求建议


5. 学习他人


6. 发致谢涵


人们不可避免的在第一次时会犯一些错误,申请入大学时也不例外。尽管你没有4.0 GPA, 但是你仍然可以在成熟、责任感、雄心和良好的风度方面排在前列。你的推荐信成功的向你申请的大学传达了这一信息。当然这也是与你如何向你的推荐人成功的展现你的能力和个人资质分不开的。





